POSIFLEX Business Machines All in One Printer KP100 User Manual

Jiva Series  
Optional Attachment Kits  
User’s Manual  
Rev. Original  
FCC Notes:  
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  
installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference  
to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class  
A digital device pursuant to subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to  
provide reasonable protection against interference when operated in a commercial  
environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause  
interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever  
measures to correct the interference.  
Warranty Limits:  
Warranty terminates automatically when any person other than the authorized  
technicians opens the machine. The user should consult his/her dealer for the problem  
happened. Warranty voids if the user does not follow the instructions in application of  
this merchandise. The manufacturer is by no means responsible for any damage or  
hazard caused by improper application.  
About This Manual:  
Posiflex has made every effort for the accuracy of the content in this manual. However,  
Posiflex will assume no liability for any technical inaccuracies or editorial or other  
errors or omissions contained herein, nor for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential  
or otherwise damages, including without limitation loss of data or profits, resulting  
from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.  
This information is provided “as is” and Posiflex Inc. expressly disclaims any  
warranties, expressed, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied  
warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, good title and against  
The information in this manual contains only essential hardware concerns for general  
user and is subject to change without notice. Posiflex reserves the right to alter product  
designs, layouts or drivers without notification. The system integrator shall provide  
applicative notices and arrangement for special options utilizing this product. The user  
may find the most up to date information of the hardware from web sites:  
All data should be backed-up prior to the installation of any drive unit or storage  
peripheral. Posiflex will not be responsible for any loss of data resulting from the use,  
disuse or misuse of this or any other Posiflex product.  
All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced,  
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,  
mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior express written consent from  
Posiflex Inc. the publisher of this documentation.  
© Copyright Posiflex Inc. 2004  
All brand and product names and trademarks are the property of their respective holders.  
Part 1  
P/N: 19000900010  
Mechanical Mounting  
For the side mount integrated attachment kits (KP100, KP110, SD100,  
SD110, SD200, SD210) ordered with the host system like Jiva series or  
TM4115 series, it is installed on the system at delivery. For separately ordered  
side mount kit, it is delivered separately from the system and needs to be fixed  
onto the system (however, SD200 series for Jiva 5800 series before the Jiva  
5800G version is not recommended) per following instructions before use.  
However, before trying to install a SD200 / SD210, please check first that  
there is one free USB connector in the I/O area of the system reserved for this  
purpose in the system configuration. Should there be any need for application  
of a USB HUB for this connection, a self-powered type USB HUB (with its  
own power adaptor) is required. However, For KP110 / SD110 / SD210  
application with TM4115, please connect the attachment kit to the extension  
cable in cable cover area of TM4115 and then connect the extension cable to  
the appropriate port of the host system.  
You may find two screw holes on back of the right side of the main unit  
of Jiva series or TM4115 series. Align the upgrade unit to the right edge of the  
main terminal. Insert and fasten with the two screws with split washers  
included in your kit, as indicated in the picture below.  
Upgrade Unit Screw Holes  
The Upgrade Kit  
Back of Jiva Series  
Connection To Host  
Connect the USB connector of attachment kit to one of the USB ports of  
Jiva series or through cover area of TM4115. Connect the PS/2 KB connector  
of KP100 / KP110 to the PS/2 KB jack in Jiva or through TM4115. When the  
SD100 / SD110 is installed with iButton receptor, there will be one additional  
9 pin female D connector and a pair of male/female PS/2 keyboard connectors  
from the upgrade kit. Connect the D connector to the COM port for iButton  
setup (and data connection). Connect the male PS/2 keyboard connector to the  
keyboard port in Jiva or through TM4115 for data connection if KB interface  
Part 3  
is selected. Route the cable connection for the attachment kit to cable cover  
area of Jiva series or TM4115 through the side of the cable cover. Break the  
obstructing side wall of the cable cover in the cable entrance to the connector  
area according to the needs.  
Connection To PS/2 Keyboard  
PS/2 KB Connector  
KP100 Rear View  
KP100 Inclined  
Bottom View  
Indentation For Cable Holding  
Refer to the pictures of bottom of KP100 with their partially enlarged  
pictures to the right above. In the cavity found at rear side of KP100, there is a  
PS/2 KB jack. Connect a standard PS/2 keyboard device to this jack and insert  
the cable from the PS/2 keyboard device into the indentation for strain relief  
and fixation when a PS/2 KB is required.  
If a PS/2 keyboard is to be used in Jiva series with SD100 installed with  
iButton receptor, please connect it to the female connector from SD100.  
However, should there be any compatibility issue for this cascaded keyboard,  
please try use another brand keyboard or a USB keyboard for application. If a  
programmable keyboard is to be connected for programming, please  
connect it between the host and the PS/2 KB interface of iButton reader in  
SD100 / SD110 otherwise programming may fail.  
1. Separate the main unit of Jiva touch terminal from its stand assembly.  
Consult a qualified electronic engineer to prepare power for the PD302 in  
the service window on rear side of the main unit and then reassemble the  
touch terminal.  
2. Aim the bottom center cavity of PD302 series toward the  
latch stub at rear of touch terminal main unit. Then aim  
both metal and plastic hooks at rear of the PD302 series  
toward the suitable ventilation openings on top rear of  
the main unit. Please use a phillips head driver to fasten  
Metal Hook  
the screws on the metal hook but not to overdo it so that  
Plastic Hook  
the metal hooks hold the ribs of the ventilation holes  
from inside.  
3. Plug the DB9 female connector to the COM port with power DC supply  
Part 4  
from the TP series. Please remove the COM1 terminator and save it at a  
safe place for future use if COM1 is to be used for PD302.  
4. Route the cable to go through the notch on back of the  
stand assembly of touch terminal as indicated in the picture.  
Reassemble the main unit and stand assembly.  
(Guidance for future un-installation: Please use screw driver  
to release the metal hook before removing PD302 from the ventilation holes.)  
1. For MSR: The magnetic stripe reader in SD100 / SD110 / SD200 / SD210,  
no matter how many tracks are in the reader head, connects to the host  
through USB port working as a USB KB and therefore requires no driver  
installation except setting up the USB keyboard to be enabled in system  
CMOS setup if the OS does not do it automatically. Refer to “Operation  
Guide” for manipulation over the reader configuration. The MSR in KP100  
/ KP110 also requires no driver since it is a PS/2 KB interface device.  
2. For Smart Card Reader: The smart card reader device driver has to be  
installed before this device can be accessed by the application software.  
Please find the device driver from the Posiflex Product Information CD  
ROM that comes alone with the Jiva or TM4115 series that the attachment  
//www.posiflex.com.tw) for latest updates of such drivers.  
3. For E-M Type Finger Print Sensor: The finger print sensor is connected  
to the system through USB interface. The operating system must be  
capable to handle the USB interface to have this device working. Starting  
the computer with the USB interface for this device connected or inserting  
the USB interface of this device with the computer running will activate the  
“Add New Hardware Wizard”. Follow the wizard and find in the above  
mentioned CD ROM under subdirectory drivers and then the main product  
KP100 / KP110 or SD100 / SD110 is applied to and then the subdirectory  
for the finger print scanner when required.  
4. For Optical Finger Print Sensor: To include the drivers for this sensor to  
perform finger print registration or verification (authentication) in an AP  
requires the software programmer to purchase and utilize its SDK (software  
developer’ s kit). However, Posiflex delivers this optical finger print sensor  
with its drivers. Please find in the mini CD delivered with SD200 / SD210  
or Product Information CD delivered with Posiflex POS system the folder  
for “Posiflex Optical Finger Print Sensor” or download the installation  
5. For Programmabl e Key Pad: This keypad provides double keys and  
blank keys for system integrator’ s choice to present some alterations in  
Part 5  
layout appearance when required. The content of the programmable keys  
should have been organized by the system integrator and requires no  
installation by end users. Please use a flattop (minus sign) screw driver (Do  
not use the attached key clip for this operation.) to help getting the key top  
off gently if change for blank key or double key is  
required. Please always first orientate the key tops  
correctly before inserting any key top into the case  
of the keypad. Failure to do so could result in  
permanent damage. Please always match the  
latching tab on bottom stem of key top with the tab  
in guiding hole and gently press the key top down  
till a click sound is heard as indicated in the picture.  
6. For iButton Reader: The iButton can be programmed to communicate on  
either RS232 interface or PS/2 KB interface through Hyper Terminal  
configuration setup. Please refer to instruction on our web sitefor the detail.  
In general, this should be taken care of for the software in the way  
organized by the system integrator.  
7. For Customer Display: The communication protocol should be set to  
9600 bps, none parity check, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. Listed beloware all  
commands that PD302 will respond to.  
Move Cursor Left  
Move Cursor Right  
Move Cursor Down  
Move Cursor To Home Position  
Clear Display Screen  
Move Cursor To Left Most Position  
Clear Cursor Line  
Select Peripheral Device / Command  
ESC =  
n=1 pass through (should not be used)  
n=2, 3 (not required)  
n=4 switch to PST command mode  
Initialize Display  
Disable / Enable Euro Dollar Sign  
n = 0, 19  
ESC @  
ESC t  
US MD1  
US MD2  
US MD3  
Specify Overwrite Mode  
Specify Vertical Scroll Mode  
Specify Horizontal Scroll Mode  
Part 6  
Move Cursor Up  
Move Cursor To Right Most Position  
Move Cursor To Specified Position  
US $  
<1F><24><n><m> n = 1 ~ 20  
m = 1, 2  
US @  
US B  
US C  
Show Version  
Move Cursor To Bottom Position  
Cursor On / Off, n = 1, 0  
Blink Display Screen  
n = 0 ~ 255  
US E  
Set Pass Through Flag (should not be used)  
Change Leading Code  
Wraparound Mode (Default)  
Vertical Scroll Mode  
Insert Mode  
Overwrite Mode (Default)  
Back Space  
Move Cursor Right  
Move Cursor Down  
Move Cursor Left  
Delete Character  
Move Cursor To Left Most Position  
Clear Display  
Clear Line 1  
Clear Line 2  
Cursor Block Mode  
Cursor Under Line Mode  
Clear Pass Through Flag  
Switch To Epson Mode  
Cursor On  
Cursor Off  
<06> <N > <N2>  
<14> <01>  
<14> <02>  
<14> <03>  
<14> <04>  
<14> <08>  
<14> <09>  
<14> <0A>  
<14> <0B>  
<14> <0C>  
<14> <0D>  
<14> <0E>  
<14> <10>  
<14> <11>  
<14> <12>  
<14> <13>  
<14> <15> <02>  
<14> <16>  
<14> <17>  
<14> <18>  
<14> <19>  
<14> <1A> <P>  
<14> <1B>  
<14> <1C>  
Move Cursor To Position P (P=0~13,14~27h)  
Move Cursor To Rightmost Position Of Line 1  
Move Cursor To Rightmost Position Of Line 2  
The power on default of the PD302 itself is the Epson command mode.  
The Euro Dollar Sign is designated at code <D5>h.  
Part 7  
The Posiflex E-M type finger print sensor has been tested to operate well  
on reading finger prints of various skin conditions, it is still advisable to keep  
the scanning area clean. To have a successful scanning, the finger must be  
placed in a way that the core of the finger print is within the scanning area  
(and best be in the center of the area), the finger should align with the sensing  
pad within a tolerance of +/- 15º and the finger must get in touch with the  
drive ring around the scanning area. Place the finger down flat, lightly but  
firmly on the sensor. Do not roll the finger as you might in a traditional ink-  
and-paper finger print taking. Keep the finger flat and motionless against the  
sensor detection surface for a couple of seconds during the imaging process.  
It is most advisable in real practice to register (enroll) for each ID more  
than 1 finger and even better to register fingers from both hands into the  
system. In this way, the identification procedure can less likely be obstructed  
even in case of accidental injury. Please note that the finger print sensor is not  
suitable for taking the finger print image of an infant.  
Please refer to the readme files in the software installation for further  
1. Never pour the glass cleaner directly on the sensor window  
2. Never use alcohol-based cleaners  
3. Never submerge the sensor in liquid  
4. Never rub the window with an abrasive material, including paper  
5. Do not poke the window coating with your fingernail or any hard item,  
such as a pen.  
The finger print sensor software never stores fingerprint images. The  
finger print sensor software creates a fingerprint template, which is a highly  
compressed and digitally encoded mathematical representation of fingerprint  
features. This template is created when a user registers a finger and is stored in  
an encrypted file. When the user later touches the fingerprint reader to  
authenticate, a new template is created and compared to the “registered”  
template. If there is a match, the authentication is successful.  
Finger Print Recognition  
In order for the sensor to acquire a good image of your finger, you must  
place the pad of your finger but not the tip in the center of the sensor window,  
Part 8  
and apply gentle, even pressure. Do not “roll” your finger as usually practiced  
in the traditional ink and paper fingerprint taking technique. Pressing too hard  
will distort your fingerprint. Pressing too lightly will not expose a large enough  
area of your finger. Also, make sure to hold your finger on the sensor until you  
see the sensor light blink; this may take longer for dry fingers. Then, lift your  
finger. Although you may use any finger with the sensor, your index finger of  
either hand works best. If the sensor is capturing your finger image as  
indicated by the sensor blink and you have tried all the above suggestions, you  
may need to reregister your finger.  
Sensor Activation  
There will always be a red light from the sensor to detect the presence of  
a finger when the sensor is activated. Failure to connect to a self-powered USB  
port will cause non-operation of the sensor. If you activate your terminal’ s  
power saving functionality but your third party application does not support  
this, then your fingerprint sensor will enter “sleep mode” even though your  
workstation does not. If this occurs, you will need to disconnect and reconnect  
the sensor to the USB port. Please check with your application developer for  
Cleaning the Sensor  
Depending on the amount of use, the sensor window  
may need to be cleaned periodically. To clean it, apply the  
sticky side of a piece of adhesive cellophane tape on the  
window and peel it away as in the drawing at right.  
Under heavy usage, the window coating on some sensors may turn  
cloudy from the salt in perspiration. In this case, gently wipe the window with  
a cloth (not paper) dampened with a mild ammonia-based glass cleaner.  
The magnetic stripe reader in KP100 / KP110 connects to the host  
through KB port and therefore requires no driver installation to get it working.  
The magnetic stripe reader in SD100 / SD110 / SD200 / SD210 connects to the  
host through USB port working as a USB KB and therefore also requires no  
driver installation except setting up the USB keyboard to be enabled in system  
CMOS setup.  
Besides the interface options there are also reader head options  
applicable to MSR in these security devices. The reader head can be either JIS  
II type or any of the possible configurations in ISO standard (tracks 1 & 2, 2 &  
3, 1 & 2 & 3). For ISO MSR, some parameters on data readout can be set by  
jumper setting or by software provided by Posiflex as below. For MSR to read  
card of AAMVA and CA DMV, the reader head must be the 3 tracks ISO type.  
There is a “Posiflex USB MSR Manager” program provided to control  
some parameter configuration for this MSR. The features controllable in this  
Part 9  
program covers each track enable/disable, Alt+Num approach for ASCII codes  
and Leading/Stop code enable/disable. The function for enabling each track of  
course comes in effect only when the track is physically available. Please find  
in the mini CD delivered with SD200 or Product Information CD delivered  
with Posiflex POS system the folder for “USBMSR” and “SetUp” this demo  
program or download the installation program from our web sites  
For ISO MSR in KP100 / KP110, please find in the CD ROM attached  
to the system for the product KP100 / KP110 under subdirectory drivers and  
then Jiva (TP series) according to what the host system is and then look for  
KP100 for installation of the program controlling the keypad (usually referred  
to as KBM). Please in the controlling program after installation enter the  
configuration of the keypad and then access the configuration for the MSR.  
The features controllable in this program are the same as that for SD100 by  
jumper setting.  
Each iButton receptor is delivered with 2 iButton keys attached. Each  
iButton key carries unique ID. Please approach your dealer for any additional  
iButton key required.  
Labeling On Key Top  
Before first time use of the keypad in  
KP100 / KP110, an identification operation may  
be required. First preprint (or write) in each cell  
of the attached colored legend sheet the “name”  
for each key. Stick each cell to the corresponding  
key top and then put on the transparent key cap  
from the accessories. In this way, the labeling  
will be protected and resistant to scratch or  
rubbing. Use the attached key clip to hook up the  
transparent key cap and change the label then re-cap when re-labeling is  
required. Expand the key clip for cap of double key if exist.  
Key Top Replacement  
When replacement of key top is required, please use a flattop screw  
driver instead of the attached key clip to help getting the key top off gently.  
Please always first orientate the key tops correctly before inserting any key top  
back into the case of the keypad. Failure to do so could result in permanent  
damage. Please always match the latching tab on bottom stem of key top with  
the tab in guiding hole and gently press the key top down till a click sound is  
heard as described in the installation chapter.  
Part 10  

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