Polycom Server DOC2564A User Manual

RMX® 4000 Installation &  
Configuration Guide  
General Safety Precautions  
Follow these rules to ensure general safety:  
Keep the area around the Polycom RMX 4000 unit clean and free  
of clutter and well ventilated.  
Decide on a suitable location for the equipment rack that will hold  
the RMX, ensuring that it is near a grounded power outlet.  
Ensure that the leveling jacks on the bottom of the rack are fully  
extended to the floor with the full weight of the rack resting on  
them. Always make sure the rack is stable before extending a  
component from the rack.  
In a single rack installation, attach stabilizers to the rack. In  
multiple rack installations, the racks should be coupled together.  
Use a regulating uninterruptable power supply (UPS) to protect the  
RMX from power surges and voltage spikes, and to keep it  
operating in the event of a power failure.  
Allow the power supply units to cool before touching them.  
Always keep the rack’s trays and board’s closed when not  
servicing, to maintain proper cooling.  
Use only the power cords supplied with the system.  
Each power cord should only be connected to a power outlet that  
has a protective ground contact.  
For all safety requirements and precautions, see the RMX 4000  
Hardware Guide, "Safety Requirements” on page 1-6.  
Management Network Configuration on the  
USB Key  
The system is shipped with the following default IP addresses:  
Control unit IP address –  
Shelf Management IP Address –  
Control unit subnet mask –  
Default Router IP Address –  
When the RMX is installed for the first time, you must change the  
default IP addresses to your local network settings. This can be done by  
modifying the default settings in the USB key shipped with the unit  
using the LAN Configuration Utility and uploading them to the RMX.  
Take the USB Key from the Installation Accessories kit and insert it  
into a PC.  
Double-click LanConfigUtility.exe to start the utility.  
Modify the required network parameters in the utility’s dialog box  
using the information supplied by your network administrator.  
Click OK.  
Remove the USB Key from the PC.  
The USB Key is required for first entry power-up of the RMX.  
Installing the RMX  
For a detailed description of the safety requirements and  
precautions and the installation of the RMX 4000 as a standalone,  
mounted in a 23” rack, or reverse mounting the RMX 4000 on a 19”  
rack, see the RMX 4000 Hardware Guide.  
To connect the RMX 4000 to the DC power, see the RMX 4000  
Hardware Guide, "Connecting the RMX 4000 to -48DC SELV  
Power” on page 1-17.  
To install the RMX 4000 in a 19”rack using chassis runners:  
Install chassis runners supplied by Polycom, in the rack.  
Mount the RMX 4000 on top of the rack brackets.  
Fasten the RMX to the rack with screws through the eight holes in  
the RMX’s front mounting brackets.  
Connecting the cables to the RMX 4000  
Connect the following cables to the RMX 4000 rear panel:  
For AC Power Supply connections: Insert a power cable in each of  
the three AC Power Entry Modules (PEM’s).  
For DC Power connections, see the RMX 4000 Hardware Guide.  
The size of the protective earthing conductor & cable should be a  
minimum of 10AWG.  
On the RTM IP-4000:  
Connect the Management Network cable to LAN 2.  
Connect the Signalling cable to LAN 3.  
Connect the Shelf Management cable to LAN 6.  
For each installed RTM LAN - Connect the LAN cable to LAN 2.  
For each installed RTM ISDN:  
Connect the E1/T1 cables to their PRI Ports.  
Connect the LAN cable to LAN 1.  
LAN 4, LAN 5 and the Serial ports are only for debugging and  
not for customer use.  
Do not remove the protective plastic caps from LAN 1, LAN 4  
and LAN 5 ports.  
First Entry Power-up  
Insert the USB Key with the modified IP addresses in the USB port  
on the back panel.  
Turn ON the power by pressing on the power switch located on the  
rear panel of the RMX.  
The parameters in the lan.cfg file are uploaded from the USB Key to  
the RMX’s memory and applied during the power-up sequence.  
System power-up sequence may take up to five minutes.  
During the first-time power-up the red ERR LED on the RMX’s  
front panel remains ON until both the Management and IP  
Network Services have been defined.  
When the RMX's configuration is completed (including the  
Management and IP Network Services), and if there are no System  
Errors, the green RDY LED on the CNTL module (on the RMX’s  
front panel) turns ON.  
Remove the USB key.  
Product Registration and Activation Key Retrieval  
Before starting the initial configuration process, register the RMX at the  
Polycom Resource Center website and download the product activation  
key file to the computer you will use for the configuration:  
Using a Web browser, connect to http://portal.polycom.com.  
Login with your Email Address and Password or register as a new  
Select the Product Registration link.  
Follow the on-screen instructions for Product Registration and  
Product Activation.  
Write down the Product Activation Key number or copy it for later  
Connecting to the MCU  
Start the RMX Web Client application on the workstation by  
entering in the browser’s address line the IP Address of the control  
unit as defined in the USB key in the format:  
http://<Control Unit IP Address>and pressing Enter.  
In the RMX Web Client Welcome Screen, enter the default Username  
(POLYCOM) and Password (POLYCOM) and click Login.  
The RMX Web Client opens.  
An MCU State indicator displays a progress indicator showing the  
time remaining until the system start-up is complete.  
The Product Activation dialog box is displayed with the serial  
number filled in.  
In the Activation Key field, enter or paste the Product Activation Key  
retrieved earlier and click OK.  
If you do not have an Activation Key, click the Polycom Resource  
Center button to access the Service & Support page of the Polycom  
The system prompts with a System Reset dialog box.  
In the System Reset dialog box, click No.  
As no Default IP Network Service is defined, the system  
automatically starts the Fast Configuration Wizard.  
The Fast Configuration Wizard is displayed.  
Configuring the IP Network Service  
The Fast Configuration Wizard enables you to configure the Default IP  
Service. It starts automatically if no Default IP Network Service is defined.  
This happens during First Time Power-up, before the service has been  
defined or if the Default IP Service has been deleted, followed by an RMX  
The IP Management Service tab in the Fast Configuration Wizard is  
enabled only if the default Management IP addresses were not  
On the RMX 4000, IPv4 is the default protocol for setting the Network  
Service in the Fast Configuration Wizard.  
In the Fast Configuration Wizard - IP dialog box, define the following  
IP Service  
Use the default name (Default IP Service) or enter a name  
using up to 20 characters.  
Note: This field is displayed in all dialog boxes.  
Signaling Host  
IP Address  
Enter the IP address of the Central Signaling host. This is  
the address used by endpoints for dialing in to the MCU.  
Media Card 1/2/ Enter the IP address(es) of the media card (s): MPM+ /  
3/4 IP Address  
MPMx 1, MPM+/MPMx 2, MPM+/MPMx 3 and MPM+/  
MPMx 4 (if installed), as provided by the network  
administrator. Endpoints connect to conferences and  
transmit call media (video, voice and content) via these  
Subnet Mask  
Enter the subnet mask of the MCU.  
Default value:  
If Secured Communication is required on the RMX: complete the  
Fast Configuration Wizard, Login, install the Certificate and then  
enable the Secured Communication Mode.  
Click Next.  
In the Fast Configuration Wizard - Routes dialog box, enter the IP  
address of the default router.  
Click Next.  
Enter the required DNS information in the dialog box.  
MCU Host Name  
Enter the name of the MCU on the network.  
Default name is RMX  
Off – if DNS servers are not used in the  
Specify – to enter the IP addresses of the DNS  
Note: The IP address fields are enabled only if  
Specify is selected.  
Register Host  
Automatically to  
DNS Server  
Select this option to automatically register the  
MCU Signaling Host and Shelf Management with  
the DNS server.  
Local Domain  
Enter the name of the domain where the MCU is  
Primary DNS  
The static IP addresses of the primary DNS server.  
Server IP Address  
Click the Next button.  
In the Fast Configuration Wizard - Environment dialog box, select the  
IP Network Type: H.323, SIP or H.323 & SIP.  
Click Next.  
If you selected SIP go to Step 13.  
10 In the Fast Configuration Wizard - Gatekeeper dialog box, enter the  
required information:  
Select Specify to enable configuration of the  
gatekeeper IP address.  
When Off is selected, all gatekeeper options are  
Primary Gatekeeper  
IP Address or  
Enter either the gatekeeper’s host name (if a DNS  
Server is used) or IP address.  
MCU Prefix in  
Enter the string with which the MCU registers itself  
with the gatekeeper.  
The gatekeeper uses this string to identify the MCU  
when forwarding calls to it.  
H.323 endpoints use this number as the first part of  
their dial-in string when dialing the MCU.  
The alias by which the RMX’s Control Unit is identified  
within the network. Up to five aliases can be defined  
for each RMX.  
Note: When a gatekeeper is specified, at least one  
prefix or alias must be entered in the table.  
Select the type that defines the format in which the  
card alias is sent to the gatekeeper.  
H.323 ID (alphanumeric ID)  
E.164 (0-9, * #)  
URL ID (URL style address)  
Transport ID (IP address: port number)  
Email ID (email address format)  
Party Number (identical to the E.164 format)  
Note: Although all alias types are supported (with  
H.323 and E.164 being the most common), the type to  
be used depends on your gatekeeper’s capabilities.  
11 Click Next.  
12 If you selected H.323 only go to Step 15.  
13 In the Fast Configuration Wizard - SIP dialog box, enter the following  
SIP Server  
Specify – to manually configure SIP servers.  
Off – if SIP servers are not present in the network.  
SIP Server IP  
Enter either the IP address of the preferred SIP server  
or its host name (if a DNS server is used).  
Transport Type  
Select the protocol that is used for signaling between  
the MCU and the SIP Server or the endpoints  
according to the protocol supported by the SIP Server:  
UDP – Select this option to use UDP for signaling.  
TCP – Select this option to use TCP for signaling.  
TLS – The Signaling Host listens on secured port  
5061 only and all outgoing connections are  
established on secured connections. Calls from SIP  
clients or servers to non secured ports are rejected.  
The supported security protocols are: TLS 1.0, SSL  
2.0 and SSL 3.0.  
14 Click the Next button.  
15 Enter the required Security information in the dialog box.  
User Name  
Enter the conference, Entry Queue or Meeting Room  
name as registered with the proxy.  
This field can contain up to 20 ASCII characters.  
Enter the conference, Entry Queue or Meeting Room  
password as defined in the proxy.  
This field can contain up to 20 ASCII characters.  
16 Click the Save & Continue button.  
During the initial RMX setup, if the system detects the presence of the  
RTM ISDN card, the ISDN /PSTN Network Service definition screens of  
the Fast Configuration Wizard are enabled.  
If there is no RTM ISDN card in the RMX or if you do not want to define  
an ISDN/PSTN Network Service, go to Step 32.  
A new ISDN/PSTN Network Service can be defined even if no RTM  
ISDN card is installed in the system but only via the ISDN/PSTN  
Network Service ->Add New Service dialog box.  
The Fast Configuration Wizard’s ISDN/PSTN configuration sequence  
begins with the ISDN/PSTN dialog box.  
17 Define the following parameters:  
Network Service  
Specify the service provider’s (carrier) name or any  
other name you choose, using up to 20 characters.  
The Network Service Name identifies the ISDN/  
PSTN Service to the system.  
Default name: ISDN/PSTN Service  
Note: This field is displayed in all ISDN/PSTN  
Network Properties tabs and can contain character  
sets that use Unicode encoding.  
Span Type  
Select the type of spans (ISDN/PSTN) lines,  
supplied by the service provider, that are connected  
to the RMX. Each span can be defined as a  
separate Network Service, or all the spans from the  
same carrier can be defined as part of the same  
Network Service.  
Select either:  
T1 (U.S. – 23 B channels + 1 D channel)  
E1 (Europe – 30 B channels + 1 D channel)  
Default: T1  
Note: Only one Span Type (E1 or T1) is supported  
on the RMX. If you define the first span as type E1  
all other spans that you may later define must also  
be of type E1.  
Service Type  
PRI is the only supported service type. It is  
automatically selected.  
18 Click Next.  
19 In the PRI Settings dialog box, define the following parameters:  
Default Num Type  
Select the Default Num Type from the list.  
The Num Type defines how the system handles the  
dialing digits. For example, if you type eight dialing  
digits, the Num Type defines whether this number is  
national or international.  
If the PRI lines are connected to the RMX via a  
network switch, the selection of the Num Type is used  
to route the call to a specific PRI line. If you want the  
network to interpret the dialing digits for routing the  
call, select Unknown.  
Default: Unknown  
Note: For E1 spans, this parameter is set by the  
Num Plan  
Select the type of signaling (Number Plan) from the  
list according to information given by the service  
Default: ISDN  
Note: For E1 spans, this parameter is set by the  
Net Specific  
Select the appropriate service program if one is used  
by your service provider (carrier).  
Some service providers may have several service  
programs that can be used.  
Default: None  
Dial-out Prefix  
Enter the prefix that the PBX requires to dial out.  
Leave this field blank if a dial-out prefix is not required.  
The field can contain be empty (blank) or a numeric  
value between 0 and 9999.  
Default: Blank  
20 Click Next.  
21 In the Span Definition dialog box, define the following parameters:  
Select the Framing format used by the carrier for the  
network interface from the list.  
For T1 spans, default is SFSF.  
For E1 spans, default is FEBE.  
Select the RMX side on the network.  
Default: User side  
Note: If the PBX is configured on the network side,  
then the RMX unit must be configured as the user  
side, and vice versa, or both must be configured  
Line Coding  
Switch Type  
Select the PRI line coding method from the list.  
For T1 spans, default is B8ZS.  
For E1 spans, default is HDB3.  
Select the brand and revision level of switch  
equipment installed in the service provider’s central  
For T1 spans, default is AT&T 4ESS.  
For E1 spans, default is EURO ISDN.  
22 Click Next.  
The Phones dialog box opens.  
23 To define dial-in number ranges click the Add button.  
24 In the Add Phone Number dialog box, define the first and the last  
numbers in the phone number range.  
A range must include at least two dial-in numbers.  
A range cannot exceed 1000 numbers.  
25 Click OK.  
The new range is added to the Dial-in Phone Numbers table.  
26 Optional. Repeat steps 23 to 25 to define additional dial-in ranges.  
27 Enter the MCU CLI (Calling Line Identification).  
With dial-in connections, the MCU CLI indicates the MCU’s  
number dialed by the participant. In a dial-out connection,  
indicates the MCU (CLI) number as seen by the participant.  
28 Click Save & Continue.  
After clicking Save & Continue, you cannot use the Back button to  
return to previous configuration dialog boxes.  
The ISDN/PSTN Network Service is created and confirmed.  
29 Click OK to continue the configuration.  
The Spans dialog box opens displaying the following read-only  
ID – the connector on the ISDN RTM card (PRI1 to PRI12).  
Slot – the MPM+ card that the ISDN RTM card is connected to  
(Media card 1, Media card 2, Media card 3 or Media card 4).  
Service – the ISDN/PSTN Network Service to which the span is  
Clock Source indicates if ISDN signaling synchronization is  
being supplied by the Primary or Secondary clock source. The  
first span to synchronize becomes the Primary clock source.  
State – the System Alert level of the span (Major, Minor). If there  
are no span related alerts, this column contains no entries.  
30 Click the check boxes in the Attached field to attach spans (E1 or T1  
PRI lines) to the network service named in the Network Service Name  
field. The Spans Table displays the configuration of all spans and all  
ISDN network services in the system.  
When using the Fast Configuration Wizard during First Entry  
Configuration, you are defining the first ISDN/PSTN Network Service  
in the system. Spans can only be attached to this service.  
Spans can be attached to, or moved between ISDN Network  
Services by using the ISDN/PSTN Network Services > ISDN  
Properties > Spans tab in the RMX Web Client.  
Each ISDN RTM card can support either 7 E1 or 9 T1 PRI lines.  
Additional ISDN/PSTN Network Services can be defined by selecting  
in the RMX Management pane ISDN/PSTN Network Services and  
then New ISDN/PSTN Service in the ISDN/PSTN Network Services  
31 Click Next.  
The System Flags dialog box is displayed.  
32 In the Fast Configuration Wizard - System Flags dialog box, enter the  
following information:  
Conference ID  
Length (MCU)  
The number of digits of the Conference ID that will be  
assigned by the MCU.  
Range: 2-16 (Default: 5)  
Note: Selecting 2 digits limits the number of  
simultaneous ongoing conferences to 99.  
Conference ID  
Length (User)  
The minimum number of digits that  
Selecting 2  
digits limits the  
number of  
the user must enter when  
manually assigning a numeric ID  
to a conference.  
Range: 2-16 (Default: 4)  
Conference ID  
Length (User)  
The maximum number of digits  
that the user can enter when  
manually assigning a Numeric ID  
to a conference.  
conferences to  
Range: 2-16 (Default: 8)  
MCU Display Name  
The MCU name that appears at the endpoints.  
Default: Polycom RMX 4000.  
Yes/No (Default: Yes)  
Conference when  
Chairperson Exits  
Auto Extend  
When Yes is selected (default) allows conferences  
running on the RMX to be automatically extended as  
long as there are participants connected and there are  
available resources.  
These flags can be modified later, if required, via the Setup menu’s  
System Configuration option. For more information, see the RMX  
1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide, "System Configuration” on  
page 18-5.  
33 Click Save & Close.  
The RMX confirms successful configuration.  
34 In the Success Message box, click OK.  
35 In the Reset Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.  
36 In the Please wait for system reset message box, click OK.  
System restart may take up to five minutes.  
37 Refresh the browser periodically until the Login screen is displayed.  
38 When the Login screen is displayed, enter your Username and  
Password and click Login.  
On first entry, the default Username and Password are both  
The RMX Web Client opens. An MCU State indicator displays a  
progress indicator showing the time remaining until the system  
start-up is complete.  
39 Create a new User with Administrator permissions and delete the  
Default User (POLYCOM). For more information see "User Definition”  
For system security reasons the system is not fully configured until  
this step has been performed.  
The system is now fully configured and if there are no System  
Errors, the green RDY LED on the CNTL module (on the RMX’s  
front panel) turns ON.  
User Definition  
The RMX is shipped with a default Administrator user called  
POLYCOM. Once you have defined other authorized administrator  
users, it is recommended to remove the default user to prevent  
unauthorized users from logging into the system.  
To add a new user to the system:  
In the RMX Management pane, click the Users option.  
The Users pane appears.  
Click the New User button or right-click anywhere in the pane and  
then click New User.  
The New User Properties dialog box opens.  
In the User Name text box, enter the name of the new user. This is  
the login name used by the user when logging into the system.  
In the Password text box, enter the new user’s password. This will  
be the user’s password when logging into the system.  
In the Authorization Level list, select the user type which determines  
the application display and functionality.  
Click OK.  
To delete a user from the system:  
In the RMX Management pane, click the Users option.  
Select the user (POLYCOM) and click the Delete  
button or  
right-click the user and then click Delete User.  
The system displays a confirmation message.  
In the Users pane, select Yes to confirm or No to cancel the  
Selecting the RMX Web Client Languages  
By default, the RMX Web Client interface is displayed only in English.  
However, the system administrator can choose the languages available  
for selection on the Login screen.  
To customize the Multilingual Setting:  
On the RMX menu, click Setup > Multilingual Setting.  
The Multilingual Setting dialog box is displayed.  
Place check marks in the boxes of the languages to be available for  
Click OK.  
Log out and Log in for the customization to take effect.  
Conferencing Entities  
The RMX is shipped with one Entry Queue and four Meeting Rooms:  
Entry Queue DefaultEQ whose ID is 1000, and it is used to access  
the default Meeting Rooms  
Four Meeting Rooms whose IDs are 1001, 1002, 1003 and 1004.  
The default conferencing entities are set to line rate of 384 Kbps, Auto  
Layout, Polycom Skin and have a default duration of one hour.  
The default Entry Queue is also set to Ad Hoc conferencing which allows  
participants to start new conferences without prior definition by  
entering a Conference or Meeting Room ID other than those used for the  
default Meeting Rooms and that is not used by any on going conference  
currently running on the MCU.  
For IP conferencing, these conferencing entities can be used to start new  
conferences without any additional settings.  
However, if ISDN/PSTN endpoints are participating in the conferences  
an ISDN/PSTN dial-in number must be manually assigned to the  
Conference, Meeting Room or Entry Queue as the number depends on  
the dial-in numbers range defined in the ISDN/PSTN Network Service.  
For more information, see the RMX 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s  
Guide, "Modifying the EQ Properties” on page 4-8.  
For more information on ISDN Network Services, see the RMX 1500/  
2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide, "ISDN/PSTN Network Services” on  
page 13-44.  
If additional Entry Queues and Meeting Rooms are required, for  
example, for conferencing at different line rates, you can customize the  
conferencing entities to your organization’s requirements and define  
additional conferencing entities. For more details, see the RMX 1500/  
2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide.  
To start ongoing conferences and monitor their status see the  
RMX 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide, Chapter 3, “Basic Operation”.  
Connecting to a Conference Directly or via  
Entry Queue  
The RMX is shipped with pre-configured default conferencing entities  
that can be used to dial in and start conferences. Default (Transit) Entry  
Queue ID: 1000, default Meeting Room IDs: 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004.  
H.323 Participants  
H.323 participants dial:  
[MCU Prefix in Gatekeeper][Conference or Entry Queue ID/Name].  
For example, if the MCU prefix in gatekeeper is 925, you can dial to the  
default (Transit) Entry Queue by entering 925 or 9251000 and be routed  
to Meeting Rooms by entering its ID (i.e. 1001, 1002, 1003 or 1004). You  
can connect directly to one of the default Meeting Rooms, by dialing its  
number, for example, 9251001.  
Alternatively, you can use the Entry Queue or conference name to  
connect directly to the conference. For example, if the conference name  
is Maple_Room, the participant can dial 925Maple_Room.  
SIP Participants  
For SIP participants the dialing string is composed of the conference  
routing name as registered with the SIP server and domain name in the  
following format: conference_name@domain_name.  
For example, if the conference name is Maple_Room, the participant  
ISDN/PSTN Participants  
ISDN and PSTN participants can connect to conferences and Meeting  
Rooms directly or via an Entry Queue by dialing one of the numbers  
(including the country and area code if needed) assigned to the  
conference, Meeting Room or Entry Queue. When connecting to an EQ  
they are routed to their conference according to the conference ID.  
For example, if the assigned dial in number is 4045555, the ISDN/PSTN  
participant dials this number with the appropriate area code (for  
example, 678) and country code (001).  
Conference Control Using DTMF Codes  
DTMF String  
Individual Help  
Conference Help  
Mute My Line  
Unmute My Line  
Increase Broadcast Volume  
Decrease Broadcast Volume  
Increase Listening Volume  
Decrease Listening Volume  
Play Help Menu  
Start Click&View to modify personal layout  
Change To Chairperson  
Show Number of Participants  

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