Precisionaire Air Cleaner SAR1P20 2424 User Manual

For Ring Panel Filters  
Standard Specifications:  
Panel Varieties:  
1. The outer dimension of the wire frame is 3/4" under  
thenominal filter size in each direction for a single panel.  
These are the most common single panels. They are one  
piece filters. There is only one wire support frame that  
spans the entire dimension of the filter.  
2. The width of a link panel shall be 3/4" under nominal  
size from wire to wire.  
Model Numbers  
3. The total length of a link panel shall measure the nomi-  
nal size from wire to wire when fully extended.  
EX. 1 (ST55R-2020) EX.2 (SAR1P20-2424)  
The first four digits of the model number identify the media  
type used. The fifth model number is equal to R or P to  
identify a single panel. If there is a sixth and seventh digit  
before the hyphen, this identifies the quantity per case.  
The first two digits after the hyphen identify the panel width  
and the last two digits identify the length.  
4. A 1.5" gap from wire to wire exists between all link pan-  
5. All custom panels sizes are considered nominal and  
support frames are 3/4" under listed size unless EXACT is  
6. Wire support frames for custom link panels will be pro-  
duced using the least amount of frames to produce the  
desired length unless desired wire support sizes are spec-  
These panels have the same specifications as the stan-  
dard panels above. These panels are linked together on  
one side throughout the box forming one long link panel.  
The benefit of this configuration is the ability to manually  
cut a single filter of 20x20 or 2 filters to make a 20x40, or  
3 filters for a 20x60, etc. The model number has a C at the  
end to identify continuous.  
7. All wire is 9 gauge galvanized steel.  
8. All welds are butt-welded for added strength. No spot  
welds are used.4. If the shortest nominal distance is less  
than 10", no cross support piece is welded to the frame.  
9. If the longest nominal filter distance is 20" or under, one  
cross piece is welded to the middle of the wire frame. A  
20"x20" filter is the only exception to this specification. It  
uses two cross pieces.  
10. If the longest nominal filter distance is greater than 20"  
and less than 36", then two cross pieces are welded equal-  
ly spaced within the wire frame.  
11. If the nominal filter distance is greater than 36", then  
three cross pieces are welded equally spaced within the  
wire frame. Extrememly large frames may need additional  
cross pieces.  
These link panels are standard long sizes which require  
more than one frame to produce the desired length. The  
width can be from 6" to 30" and the length can be from 12"  
to 1200".  
Model Numbers EX. 1 (ST55L-20100-25)  
The first four digits identify the media. The fifth digit L iden-  
tifies a Link. The first two digits after the first hyphen equal  
the width and the next two to three identify the length. The  
final two digits after the second hyphen identify the length  
of the wire support. In this example 4-20x25 panels are  
linked to make a 20x100 filter. In some cases, the quanti-  
ty is listed as the last entry, or as the first entry after the L.  
12. All panels are dielectrically or ultrasonically sealed for  
Custom size single panels are made exactly as the stan-  
dard single panels, however are made to any size specifi-  
cations ranging from 6"x6" to 30"x50".  
13. The media seal is a full 1/4" for added strength.  
14. At least one center media seal will exist between each  
crosspiece and the outer support walls to reduce media  
flutter and sagging when in use.  
Model Numbers EX. 1 ST55RCS-1199  
15. The media shall overlap the wire support frame by 1-  
The digits after the hyphen equal the square inches of the  
panel desired. A 16.5"x22.75" panel equals 376 square  
inches andshould use the 399 model number range.  
2" in every direction.  
Custom size link panels are made exactly as the standard  
link panels, and the model numbers are produced exactly  
the same as the custom single panels, except there is an  
For for Media Rolls & Blankets  
Media Varieties:  
Standard specifications:  
Each SA600 media pad and roll has its own model numer.  
No custom sizes are used for this media type.  
1. Roll lengths are +/- 5% and widths are -0/+1/2".  
Model Number  
2. Maximum roll widths are:  
EX. SA600-361 or SA600-1001  
All other polyester medias 110"  
The first 5 digits identify the SA600-G10 media. If there  
are three digits after the hyphen then it is a pad. If there  
are four digits after the hyphen, then it is a roll. Model  
Number descriptions must be looked up to identify the cor-  
rect size, and each model number has a specific case  
Fiberglass media  
3. Roll Lengths are:  
100 ft.  
50 ft.  
90 ft.  
90 ft.  
Each SAR-1 media roll and pad also have their own model  
number.No custom sizes are used for this media type.  
Model Number  
EX. SAR1M-24120 or SAR1R-55  
All other polyester media 100ft.  
Fiberglass media 300 ft.  
The first 4 digits identify the SAR-1 media. If the fifth digit  
is an M, then its a media pad, if its an R, then its a media  
roll. For the pads, the first two digits after the hyphen iden-  
tify the pad width in inches, and the remaining digits iden-  
tify the pad length in inches. For the rolls, the remaining  
digits identify the roll width in inches.  
4. Any width can be custom cut from 6" to maximum width  
for any media product.  
5. Rolls are bagged in minimum 3-mil clear plastic bags.  
6. Rolls are identified with a tag on top of each bag.  
7. Rolls are individually packaged on LTL orders.  
8. All rolls are knife cut without the use of hot wires.  
1GT media is available in rolls, pads and custom pads. All  
model numbers start with 1GT. The fourth digit is R for roll,  
P for pad, and C for custom. After the hyphen, the digits  
for rolls equal the roll length, the pad size is only listed in  
the description, and the digits following the hyphen for  
custom pads signify the total square inches for the custom  
1. Pad dimensions are -1/4"/+1/2" in each direction.  
2. SA600-G10 and SAR-1 pads are bagged and boxed.  
Full perimeter of box is also taped.  
3. All other pads are boxed only.  
4. Fiberglass pads are available in vacuum-packed form.  
25 pads per bag and 4 bags in each box for 100 filters per  
5. SA600-G10 pads are folded exit side to exit side and  
rolled to prevent contamination from collecting on the exit  
side of the media.  
Fiberglass media are available in rolls, pads, custom  
pads, and vacuum packed pads. For the 330G and 331Y,  
the first two digits after the hyphen identify the roll length  
and if the last digit is a 0,1,or 2 then the length equals 200  
ft. and if it equals 3 then its 300 ft. The 332 uses a "-300"  
for all 330 ft. rolls. The pads sizes are listed after the  
hyphen and if there is a 0 as the first digit after the hyphen  
then the last two digits are the pad width. If there is a V as  
the fourth digit, then the pads are vacuum packed.  
6. All rolls are knife cut without the use of hot wires.  
Each media has its own specifications for weight per  
square foot, loft, chemical resin weights, tackfier weights,  
MSDS sheets, etc. These documents may be obtained by  
contacting our corporate office.  
If there are only two digits after the hyphen, then its a roll  
and the width equals the two digits. If there are four digits  
after the hyphen, then its a pad and the dimensions are  
listed. Custom pad square inches are also listed after the  
For for Media Rolls & Blankets  
Conversion Formula for square inches to square feet  
SA600-G10 and SAR-1 Custom Media Pads  
First find how many square feet are in the custom  
All other custom media pads  
For all other medias, a custom range has been  
established. To find the correct part number, sim-  
ply multiply the length times the width in inches to  
get the total square inches of the pad.  
Do this by taking the length times the width in inches  
and dividing by 144.  
EXAMPLE: 30"x30" = 900 square inches.  
Example: 53.5"x24.5" = (53.5x24.5 / 144) = 9.10  
square feet  
Second, find the range that the part numbers falls  
in. For this size, the part number should be ****-  
900-999. This signifies any pad from 900 to 999  
square inches.  
Be sure to include the exact size pad you want  
with the custom part number.  
Second, multiply the square feet of the pad by the  
LIST price  
(SA600=$4.00 sq.ft./SAR1=$2.00 sq.ft.)  
Example SA600 G10 pad: 53.5"x24.5" = 9.10 sq. ft.  
so I multiply 9.10x4 = $36.40 LIST price for that pad  
Custom media rolls  
Third, find the list price by multiplying the LIST  
price by the MULTIPLIER from the IDC code list  
We can make any width roll desired for polyester  
or fiberglass medias. The polyester media can  
simply be cut in house on our band saw, the fiber-  
glass must be custom run from the glass plant and  
will have a longer lead time.  
The SA600-G10 multiplier for a jobber is .35 so I  
take $36.40x.35 and that is their cost  
The multiplier list is at the back of the catalog, and  
each product has a different multiplier  
There is a $2.00 custom slit charge for custom  
width poly rolls. Please call customer service for  
custom roll pricing.  
Check your IDC code reference in the catalog to veri-  
fy you are applying the correct multiplier  
A good general guide is to take a similar standard  
roll, and divide the LIST price by the inches in  
width. Then multiply the inches in width by the  
desired width and add a $2.00 slit charge.  
We will then create a part number for that size and  
will include the part in our next catalog.  
EXAMPLE: A 20" wide roll of 1GT media is LIST price  
is for $175.00. If you want a 22" roll, divide 175 by  
20 = $8.75  
The list is $8.75 per inch of width. Then multiply  
$8.75 times 22 = $192.50  
Then multiply the new price by your multiplier for the  
particular media desired, and add $2.00 to the net  

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