Powerware Power Supply UPS 1000 2200 User Manual

UP S 10 0 0 - 2 2 0 0 VA  
Us e rs Ma n u a l  
Pow e rw a re 5 12 5 Us e rs Ma n u a l 10 0 0 2 2 0 0 VA  
Revision A  
Ta b le o f c o n t e n t s  
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 7  
2. Installation ............................................................................................................... 8  
Inspecting the Equipment............................................................................................ 8  
Installing the UPS......................................................................................................... 8  
UPS Rear Panels ........................................................................................................... 9  
3. Operation and Configuration .................................................................................. 10  
Operating Models ....................................................................................................... 10  
Stanby mode ................................................................................................................ 11  
Normal Mode .............................................................................................................. 11  
Buck and Double Boost Mode .................................................................................... 11  
Battery Mode ............................................................................................................... 12  
Sleep Mode .................................................................................................................. 12  
UPS Configuration ...................................................................................................... 12  
Turning the UPS On .................................................................................................... 12  
Starting the UPS on Battery ........................................................................................ 12  
Turning the UPS Off .................................................................................................... 13  
Initiating the Self-Test ................................................................................................. 13  
Communication Port .................................................................................................. 13  
Network Transient Protector ..................................................................................... 14  
Load Segments ............................................................................................................ 15  
4. UPS Maintenance .................................................................................................... 16  
UPS and Battery Care ................................................................................................. 16  
Storing the UPS and Batteries .................................................................................... 16  
When to Replace Batteries ......................................................................................... 16  
Replacing Batteries...................................................................................................... 16  
Testing New Batteries ................................................................................................. 19  
Recycling the Used Battery......................................................................................... 20  
5. Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 20  
Audible Alarms and UPS Conditions ......................................................................... 20  
Silencing an Audible Alarm ........................................................................................ 21  
6. Specifications .......................................................................................................... 23  
Copyright 2002  
The contents of this manual are the copyright of the publisher  
and may not be reproduced (even extracts)  
unless permission granted.  
Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of  
the information contained in this manual, but no liability  
can be accepted for any errors or omission. The right  
to make design modifications is reserved.  
Re q u e s t in g a De c la ra t io n o f Co n fo rm it y  
Units that are labeled with a CE mark comply with the following harmonized standards  
and EU directives:  
Harmonized Standards: EN 50091-1-1 and EN 50091-2; IEC 950 Second Edition,  
Amendments A1, A2, A3, and A4  
EU Directives:  
73/23/EEC, Council Directive on equipment designed for use  
within certain voltage limits  
93/68/EEC, Amending Directive 73/23/EEC  
89/336/EEC, Council Directive relating to electromagnetic  
92/31/EEC, Amending Directive 89/336/EEC relating to EMC  
The EC Declaration of Conformity is available upon request for products with a CE  
mark. For copies of the EC Declaration of Conformity, contact:  
Powerware Oy  
Koskelontie 13  
FIN-02920 Espoo, Finland  
Phone: +358-9-452 661  
Fax: +358-9-452 66 396  
Cla s s A EMC S t a t e m e n t s  
(10 0 0 15 0 0 VA Mo d e ls )  
FCC Pa rt 15  
NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class  
A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to  
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is  
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate  
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction  
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this  
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the  
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  
ICES -0 0 3  
This Class A Interference Causing Equipment meets all requirements of the Canadian  
Interference Causing Equipment Regulations ICES–003.  
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement sur le  
matériel brouilleur du Canada.  
S p e c ia l S ym b o ls  
The following are examples of symbols used on the UPS to alert you to important  
RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK - Indicates that a risk of electric shock is  
present and the associated warning should be observed.  
CAUTION: REFER TO OPERATORS MANUAL - Refer to your operators  
manual for additional information, such as important operating and  
maintenance instructions.  
RJ-45 RECEPTACLE - For 230V units only: this receptacle provides network  
interface connections. Do not plug telephone or telecommunications  
equipment into this receptacle.  
This symbol indicates that you should not discard the UPS or the UPS  
batteries in the trash. The UPS may contain sealed, lead–acid batteries.  
Batteries must be recycled.  
1 Pow e rw a re 5 12 5 In t ro d u c t io n  
The Powerware® 5125 uninterruptible power system (UPS) protects your sensitive  
electronic equipment from basic power problems such as power failures, power sags,  
power surges, undervoltage and overvoltage.  
Power outages can occur when you least expect it and power quality can be erratic. These  
power problems have the potential to corrupt critical data, destroy unsaved work sessions,  
and damage hardware — causing hours of lost productivity and expensive repairs.  
With the Powerware 5125, you can safely eliminate the effects of power disturbances and  
guard the integrity of your equipment. The Powerware 5125 was designed for critical  
applications such as PCs, severs, workstations, and telecommunications equipment. Figure  
1 shows the Powerware 5125 UPS with an optional Extended Battery Module (EBM).  
Fig u re 1. The Powerware 5125  
Providing outstanding performance and reliability, the Powerware 5125s unique benefits  
include the following:  
Advanced Battery Management Plus (ABM Plus™) doubles battery service life,  
optimizes recharge time, and provides a warning before the end of useful battery life.  
Buck and Double Boost regulation ensures consistent voltage to your load by  
correcting voltage fluctuations without using battery power.  
Hours of extended run time with up to four EBMs.  
Hot–swappable batteries simplify maintenance by allowing you to replace batteries  
safely without powering down the critical load.  
Start–on–battery capability allows you to power up the UPS even if utility power is  
not available.  
Advanced power management with the Software Suite CD for graceful shutdowns  
and power monitoring.  
Sequential shutdown and load management through separate receptacle groups,  
called load segments.  
Network Transient Protector guards your network communications equipment from  
Optional X-Slot™ modules provide enhanced communication capabilities for  
increased power protection and control.  
The Powerware 5125 is backed by worldwide agency approvals.  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
2 In s t a lla t io n  
In s p e c t in g t h e Eq u ip m e n t  
If any equipment has been damaged during shipment, keep the shipping cartons and  
packing materials for the carrier or place of purchase and file a claim for shipping  
damage. If you discover damage after acceptance, file a claim for concealed damage.  
To file a claim for shipping damage or concealed damage: 1) File with the carrier within  
15 days of receipt of the equipment; 2) Send a copy of the damage claim within 15 days  
to your service representative.  
In s t a llin g t h e UP S  
The following steps explain how to install the UPS. See “UPS Rear Panels” on page 9 for  
the rear panel of each model.  
NOTE Do not make unauthorized changes to the UPS; otherwise, damage may occur  
to your equipment and void your warranty.  
If installing an optional EBM, continue to Step 2; otherwise, skip to Step 4.  
Plug the EBM cable into the battery connector on the UPS rear panel.  
If a second EBM is to be installed, plug the EBM cable of the second cabinet into  
the battery connector on the first EBM. Up to four EBMs may be connected to the  
If you are installing power management software, connect your computer to the  
UPS communication port using the supplied communication cable.  
Plug the detachable UPS power cord, into the input connector on the UPS rear  
Plug the UPS power cord into a power outlet. The front panel indicators cycle  
through a startup sequence while the UPS conducts a self–test.  
When the self-test is complete, the  
indicator flashes, indicating the UPS is in  
Standby mode with the equipment offline. If the alarm beeps or a UPS alarm  
indicator stays on, see Table 2 on page 22.  
Plug the equipment to be protected into the appropriate UPS output receptacles  
(see page 15 for more information on load segments).  
DO NOT protect laser printers with the UPS because of the exceptionally high  
power requirements of the heating elements.  
Press and hold the On button until you hear the UPS beep (approximately one  
second). The indicator stops flashing and the bar graph indicators display the  
percentage of load being applied to the UPS.  
The UPS is now in Normal mode and supplying power to your equipment.  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
NOTE. The batteries charge to 90% capacity in approximately 3 hours. However, it is  
recommended that the batteries charge for 24 hours after installation or long-term  
NOTE. If more than two EBMs are installed, an external battery charger is  
recommended for faster recharge times.  
Fig u re 2 . Installation  
UP S Re a r Pa n e ls  
This section shows the rear panels of the Powerware 5125 models.  
Fig u re 3 . PW5125 1000i and PW5125 1500i Rear Panel  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
Fig u re 4 . PW5125 2200i Rear Panel  
3 Op e ra t io n a n d Co n fig u ra t io n  
Op e ra t in g Mo d e s  
Powerware 5125s front panel indicates the UPS status through the UPS indicators.  
Figure 5 shows the UPS front panel indicators and controls.  
Fig u re 5 . UPS Front Panel  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
S t a n d b y Mo d e  
When the UPS is turned off and remains plugged into a power outlet, the UPS is in Standby  
mode. The  
indicator flashes and the bar graph indicators are off, indicating that power is  
not available from the UPS output receptacles. The battery recharges when necessary.  
No rm a l Mo d e  
During Normal mode, the  
indicator illuminates and the front panel displays the  
percentage of UPS load capacity being used by the protected equipment (see Figure 6).  
The UPS monitors and charges the batteries as needed and provides power protection to  
your equipment.  
Fig u re 6 . Load Level Indicators  
When all of the bar graph indicators and the  
indicator are illuminated, power  
requirements exceed UPS capacity; see page 22 for more information.  
Bu ck a n d Do u b le Bo o s t Mo d e  
With the Buck and Double Boost feature, the UPS accepts a wide input voltage range  
(-30%/+20% of nominal) and provides consistent, clean voltage to your equipment.  
The UPS operates normally from utility power and alerts you of the voltage fluctuations.  
indicator alternates between green and red while in Buck, Single Boost, or  
Double Boost mode as shown in Figure 7.  
Fig u re 7. Buck and Double Boost Indicators  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Revision A  
Users Manual  
Ba tt e ry Mo d e  
When the UPS is operating during a power outage, the alarm beeps once every four  
seconds and the  
indicator illuminates. When the utility power returns, the UPS  
switches to Normal mode operation while the battery recharges.  
If battery capacity becomes low while in Battery mode, the  
indicator flashes and the  
alarm beeps twice every two seconds. Immediately complete and save your work to  
prevent data loss and similar difficulties. When utility power is restored after the UPS  
shuts down, the UPS automatically restarts.  
S le e p Mo d e  
If the UPS is on battery for approximately five minutes and supporting a small electrical  
load (10%), the UPS shuts down the load. After three minutes in Sleep mode, the UPS  
initiates a shutdown warning (two beeps every two seconds). This feature conserves  
battery power. To enable this feature, contact your service representative.  
UP S Co n fig u ra t io n  
Your PW5125 UPS can be configured by using a configuration software that can be find  
on web (www.emea.powerware.com/product/PW5125.htm). This software is a DOS  
based program that can be executed from either a DOS box, from a Windows shortcut,  
or from the Windows Start, Run dialog box.  
UPS setting that can be changed are as follow:  
Voltage setting 220/230/240 V (230 V is factory default)  
Enable/disable sleep mode (disable as factory default)  
Enable/disable audible alarm, so that when disable no audible alarms will be given  
(Enable as factory default)  
Enable/disable site wiring detection (not supported on European model)  
Tu rn in g t h e UP S On  
After the UPS is connected to a power outlet, it conducts a self–test and enters Standby  
mode. To turn on the UPS, press and hold the On button until you hear the UPS beep  
(approximately one second). The  
indicator stops flashing and the bar graph  
indicators display the percentage of load being applied to the UPS.  
S t a rt in g t h e UP S o n Ba tt e ry  
NOTE Before using this feature, the UPS must have been powered by utility power at  
least once.  
To turn on the UPS without using utility power, press and hold the On button for at least  
four seconds. The UPS supplies power to your equipment and goes into Battery mode.  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
Tu rn in g t h e UP S Off  
To turn off the UPS, press and hold the Off button until the long beep ceases  
(approximately five seconds). The  
indicator begins to flash and the UPS remains in  
Standby mode until you unplug the UPS from the power outlet.  
In it ia t in g t h e Se lfTe s t  
NOTE. The batteries must be fully charged to perform the self–test.  
Press and hold the On button for three seconds to initiate the self–test. During the test,  
individual indicators illuminate as various parts of the UPS are checked. If the alarm  
beeps or a UPS alarm indicator stays on, see Table 2 on page 22.  
Co m m u n ic a t io n Po rt  
The Powerware 5125 is factory-installed with a Single-Port Module.  
To establish communication between the UPS and a computer, connect your computer  
to the UPS communication port using the supplied communication cable.  
When the communication cable is installed, power management software can exchange  
data with the UPS. The software polls the UPS for detailed information on the status of  
the power environment. If a power emergency occurs, the software initiates the saving  
of all data and an orderly shutdown of the equipment.  
The cable pins are identified in Figure 8 and the pin functions are described in Table 1.  
Fig u re 8 . Com m unication Port  
Direction from  
the UPS  
Signal Name  
Low Batt  
Low Battery relay contact  
Transmit to external device  
Receive from external device  
PnP (Plug and Play) from external device  
(tied to Pin 6)  
Signal common (tied to chassis)  
To external device (tied to Pin 4)  
PnP from external device  
In / Out  
AC Fail  
Power Source  
AC Fail relay contact  
+V (8 to 24 volts DC power)  
Ta b le 1. Com m unication Port Pin Assignm ent  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Revision A  
Users Manual  
Ne t w o rk Tra n s ie n t Pro t e c t o r  
The Network Transient Protector, shown in Figure 9, is located on the rear panel and  
has jacks labeled IN and OUT. This feature accommodates a single RJ–45 (10BaseT)  
network connector.  
Connect the input connector of the equipment you are protecting to the jack labeled IN.  
Connect the output connector to the jack labeled OUT.  
Fig u re 9 . Network Transient Protector  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
Lo a d S e g m e n t s  
Load segments are sets of receptacles that can be controlled by power management  
software, providing an orderly shutdown and startup of your equipment. For example,  
during a power outage, you can keep key pieces of equipment running while you turn  
off other equipment. This feature allows you to save battery power. See your power  
management software manual for details.  
NOTE. If the power management software is not used, the individual load segments  
cannot be controlled.  
The following figures show the load segments for each UPS.  
Fig u re 10 . 1000 VA and 1500 VA Load Segm ents  
Fig u re 11. 2200 VA Load Segm ents  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
4 UP S Ma in t e n a n c e  
UP S a n d Ba tt e ry Ca re  
For the best preventive maintenance, keep the area around the UPS clean and dust–free.  
If the atmosphere is very dusty, clean the outside of the system with a vacuum cleaner.  
For full battery life, keep the UPS at an ambient temperature of 25°C .  
S t o rin g t h e UP S a n d Ba tt e rie s  
If you store the UPS for a long period, recharge the battery every 6 months by plugging  
the UPS into a power outlet. The batteries charge to 90% capacity in approximately  
3 hours. However, it is recommended that the batteries charge for 24 hours after long-  
term storage.  
Check the battery recharge date on the shipping carton label. If the date has expired and  
the batteries were never recharged, do not use the UPS. Contact your service  
Wh e n t o Re p la c e Ba tt e rie s  
When the  
indicator flashes and there is a continuous audible alarm, the batteries may  
button for three  
indicator stays on, contact your service representative to order new  
need replacing. Conduct a self–test by pressing and holding the  
seconds. If the  
Re p la c in g Ba tt e rie s  
NOTE DO NOT DISCONNECT the batteries while the UPS is in Battery mode.  
With the hot–swappable battery feature, UPS batteries can be replaced easily without  
turning the UPS off or disconnecting the load.  
If you prefer to remove input power to change the battery: 1) Press and hold the Off  
button until the long beep ceases (approximately five seconds), then unplug the UPS;  
2) Wait 60 seconds while the internal processor shuts down before you disconnect the  
Consider all warnings, cautions, and notes before replacing batteries.  
Batteries can present a risk of electrical shock or burn from high short-circuit  
current. The following precautions should be observed: 1) Remove watches, rings,  
or other metal objects; 2) Use tools with insulated handles; 3) Do not lay tools or  
metal parts on top of batteries.  
ELECTRIC ENERGY HAZARD. Do not attempt to alter any battery wiring or  
connectors. Attempting to alter wiring can cause injury.  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
How t o Re p la c e Ext e n d e d Ba tt e ry Mo d u le s  
Use the following procedure to replace EBMs:  
Unplug the EBM cable from the UPS.  
Replace the EBM. See “Recycling the Used Battery” on page 20 for proper disposal.  
Plug the new EBM into the UPS as shown in Figure 12.  
For additional EBMs, plug the EBM cable of the second cabinet into the battery  
connector on the first EBM.  
Fig u re 1 2 . EBM Connections  
How t o Re p la c e In t e rn a l Ba tt e rie s  
Pull the battery out onto a flat, stable surface. The battery is unsupported when you  
pull it out of the UPS.  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
Use the following procedure to replace internal batteries:  
1. Remove the UPS front panel by pulling the top.  
Slide up and remove the metal battery cover.  
1000 VA units. Disconnect the red battery cable on the front of the battery. Pull the  
battery out onto a flat, stable surface. Disconnect the black battery cable on the rear  
of the battery, then on the front of the battery. Disconnect the red battery cable on  
the rear of the battery. See “Recycling the Used Battery” on page 20 for proper  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
1500 and 2200 VA units. Pull the battery out onto a flat, stable surface. Press on the  
black tab on the battery cable connector to disconnect the battery. See “Recycling  
the Used Battery” on page 20 for proper disposal.  
Install the new batteries in the reverse order of removal.  
Reinstall the metal battery cover removed in Step 2. Replace the front panel.  
Te s t in g Ne w Ba tt e rie s  
Press and hold the  
finished, the indicator should turn off. If the  
connections. Call your service representative if the problem persists.  
button for three seconds to initiate a self–test. After the test is  
indicator stays on, check the battery  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
Re c yc lin g t h e Us e d Ba tt e ry  
Contact your local recycling or hazardous waste center for information on proper  
disposal of the used battery.  
Do not dispose of the battery or batteries in a fire. Batteries may explode. Proper  
disposal of batteries is required. Refer to your local codes for disposal requirements.  
Do not open or mutilate the battery or batteries. Released electrolyte is harmful to  
the skin and eyes. It may be toxic.  
Do not discard the UPS or the UPS batteries in the trash. This product  
contains sealed, lead–acid batteries and must be disposed of properly. For more  
information, contact your local recycling or hazardous waste center.  
5 Tro u b le s h o o t in g  
Au d ib le Ala rm s a n d UP S Co n d it io n s  
The UPS has an audible alarm feature to alert you of potential power problems. Use  
Table 2 to determine and resolve the UPS alarms and conditions.  
Fig u re 13 . Alarm Indicators  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
S ile n c in g a n Au d ib le Ala rm  
To silence the alarm for an existing fault, press the  
button. If UPS status changes, the  
alarm beeps, overriding the previous alarm silencing. The alarm does not silence if there  
is a low battery condition.  
Alarm or Condition  
The indicator is  
not on; the UPS does  
not start.  
Possible Cause  
The power cord is not  
connected correctly.  
Check the power cord connections.  
The wall outlet is faulty.  
Have a qualified electrician test and repair  
the outlet.  
indicator is  
The UPS is in Standby  
Press the On button to supply power to  
the connected equipment.|  
flashing; power is not  
available at the UPS  
output receptacles.  
The UPS does not  
provide the expected  
backup time.  
The batteries need charging Plug the UPS into a power outlet for 24  
or service.  
hours to charge the battery. After charging  
the battery, press and hold the  
for 3 seconds; then check the  
If the  
indicator is still on, see "UPS  
Maintenence" to replace the battery.  
The self-test failed  
Plug the UPS into a power outlet for at least  
3 hours to charge the battery. After charging  
the battery, press and hold the  
3 seconds; then check the  
button for  
If the  
indicator is still on, shut down  
the UPS and contact your service  
UPS internal temperature is The UPS shuts down automatically in  
too high.  
10 seconds. Turn off and unplug the UPS.  
Clear vents and remove any heat sources.  
Ensure the airflow around the UPS is not  
restricted. Wait at least 5 minutes and restart  
the UPS. If the condition persists, contact  
your service representative.  
1 beep every 4  
UPS on battery.  
The UPS is powering the equipment with  
battery power. Prepare your equipment for  
2 beeps every 2  
The battery is running low.  
3 minutes or less of battery power remains  
(depending on load configuration and  
battery charge). Save your work and turn off  
your equipment. The alarm cannot be  
Ta b le 2 . Troubleshooting Guide  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
Alarm or Condition  
Possible Cause  
The UPS is running on  
battery power because the  
Correct the input voltage, if possible. The  
UPS continues to operate on battery until  
input voltage is too high or the conditions is corrected or the battery is  
too low.  
completely discharged.  
If the condition persists, the input voltage in  
your area may differ from the UPS nominal.  
The utility line voltage and  
frequency are out of  
Have a qualified electrician check the  
1 beep every 5  
The battery may be fully  
Plug the UPS into a power outlet for 24  
hours to charge the battery. After charging  
the battery, press and hold the  
for 3 seconds; then check the  
If the  
indicator is still on, see "UPS  
Maintenance" to replace the battery.  
The battery is not  
connected correctly.  
Check the battery connections. Call your  
service representative if the problem  
Ground wire connection  
does not exist or the line  
and neutral wires are  
Have a qualified electrician correct the  
reversed in the wall outlet.  
Power requirements exceed Turn off and unplug the UPS. Remove some  
UPS capacity (101–110% for of the equipment from the UPS. Wait at  
3 minutes or 111–150% for least 5 seconds until all LEDs are off and  
10 cycles) or the load is  
restart the UPS. You may need to obtain a  
larger capacity UPS.  
UPS fault condition.  
Save your work and turn off your  
equipment. Turn off and unplug the UPS.  
Contact your service representative. The  
alarm cannot be silenced.  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  
6 S p e c ific a t io n s  
Power Levels  
(rated at nominal inputs)  
Model Number  
Nominal Voltage  
Input Voltage Range  
PW5125 1000i  
PW5125 1500i  
PW5125 2200i  
1000 VA, 700 W  
230 V  
230 V  
230 V  
154-288 V  
1500 VA, 1050 W  
2200 VA, 1600 W  
Ta b le 3 . Model Specifications  
Dimensions (W x D x H)  
1000 VA Models  
162 x 401 x 250 mm  
162 x 467 x 250 mm  
205 x 493 x 250 mm  
162 x 474 x 250 mm  
15 kg  
23 kg  
31 kg  
27 kg  
1500 VA Models  
PW5125 2200i  
Extended Battery Module  
Ta b le 4 . Weights and Dim ensions  
Input Connection  
Output Receptacles  
PW5125 1000i  
PW5125 1500i  
PW5125 2200i  
10 A, IEC-320 input connector  
10 A, IEC-320 input connector  
10 A, IEC-320 input connector  
(6) 10 A, IEC 320-C13  
(6) 10 A, IEC 320-C13  
(9) 10 A, IEC 320-C13  
Ta b le 5 . Power Connections  
Operating Frequency  
Frequency Range  
Noise Filtering  
50/60 Hz, auto-sensing  
46–65 Hz  
MOVs and line filter for normal and common mode noise  
-10% to +6% of nominal voltage  
(Normal mode)  
(Battery mode)  
Nominal output voltage ±5%  
Sine wave  
Voltage Waveform  
Ta b le 6 . Technical Specifications  
Revision A  
1000 - 2200 VA  
Users Manual  
Operating Temperature  
10°C to 40°C  
Optimal battery performance: 25°C  
Storage Temperature  
Transit Temperature  
Relative Humidity  
Operating Altitude  
Transit Altitude  
0°C to 25°C  
-25°C to 55°C  
5–95% noncondensing  
Up to 3,000 meters above sea level  
Up to 15,000 meters above sea level  
Less than 40 dBA Normal mode, typical load  
Less than 55 dBA Battery mode  
Audible Noise  
Surge Suppression  
ANSI C62.41 Category B (formerly IEEE 587), IEC 61000-4-5  
UL 1778, UL 497A (data line only);  
CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 107.1;  
Safety Conformance  
EN 50091-1-1 and IEC 60950  
Agency Markings  
UL and cUL; CE, C-Tick, LGA/GS, DEMKO  
EN 50091-2, FCC Part 15, ICES-003  
Ta b le 7. Environm ental and Safety  
1000 VA: (2) 24V, 9 Ah internal batteries  
1500 VA: (4) 48V, 7 Ah internal batteries  
200 VA: (4) 48V, 12 Ah internal batteries  
PW5125 EBM-24: (8) 24V, 9 Ah batteries  
W5125 EBM-48: (8) 48V, 9 Ah batteries  
EBM Configuration  
Sealed, maintenance–free, valve–regulated, lead–acid  
Internal battery: less than 3 hours to 90% usable capacity at  
nominal line voltage after full load discharge  
External battery: recharging at 80% load or less is  
recommended; no more than 16x discharge time to 90% usable  
capacity at nominal line voltage after full load discharge; an  
external battery charger is recommended for faster recharge  
times when using more than 2 EBMs.  
Advanced monitoring for earlier failure detection and warning;  
auto detection of additional EBMs  
Ta b le 8 . Battery  
Internal UPS Batteries  
1 EBM  
2 EBMs  
3 EBMs  
4 EBMs  
1000 VA  
1500 VA  
2200 VA  
NOTE Battery times are approximate and vary depending on the load configuration and  
battery charge.  
Ta b le 9 . Battery Run Tim es (in Minutes at Full/Half Load)  
1000 - 2000 VA  
Users Manual  
Revision A  

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